Planning The Wedding

You're getting married! But the many details you'll need to consider can be overwhelming. Staying organized is the key to enjoying a wedding day that's totally free of stress. Here's are some suggestions that will help you bring your dreams to life.

It's important to know up front exactly how much you have available to spend. Talk about which three aspects of the wedding are most important to you both. Focus most of your efforts on those and be willing to compromise on the others. That simple step will help keep you within your budget.

If possible, give yourself at least 12 months to handle everything involved in planning. Once you decide on style of wedding and reception, start looking at venue(s), choose the celebrant, hire a photographer, and meet with the primary vendors.

Then, you can select the friends and relatives you'll ask to be part of the ceremony. It's time to shop for a wedding dress, choose a color or theme for the wedding, and sample some cakes and menu options. Set up a wedding website with useful information for guests and an option for them to “RSVP”.

Don't feel like you have to do all this alone. Involve your partner in the decision-making. Your bridal party and family members will also be willing to help, so don't be afraid to ask.

Professional planners are another great option. With careful research, you can find just the right person who understands your needs and desires and guide you through every step of the process.

Since 1985, Le Marriage Couture has helped more than 45,000 brides find “the one” - the perfect gown for their special day. Our store buyers travel all over the world to shop for the latest and best dresses, veils, and wedding day jewelry and bring them back to our salon in West L.A.

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